Yasme Awards Call Sign Directory

Below is a directory of Yasme call signs/operations/operators, listing the call sign, date of operation, and principal operator.

Many of the Yasme DXpeditions were done by Lloyd (W6KG) and Iris (W6QL) Colvin. Lloyd, W6KG, became a Silent Key in December 1993 (see call TA1/W6QL). Iris, W6QL, became a Silent Key February 18, 1998. Lloyd and Iris logged more than a million contacts during their world travels, collecting one of the largest QSL collections in the world.  Logs for Yasme DXpeditions are held by the Yasme QSL Manager. (See our Operating Awards page) Verified contacts with calls in the following directories will count for credit toward the Yasme Awards.

Logging software that tracks awards can use one of these files as its call sign and date reference. See your logging software instructions for which file to use and how to add it to your software.  Excel, CSV, and TSV formats will be provided.

In the lists you will see some call signs with an end date of “PRESENT” – for example, 9A/PB2T/P.  That means the call sign is valid from the start date through the present day and continues to be active.  In this case, Yasme Director PB2T is operating on occasion from Croatia (9A).

Other calls have no start or end date. These are unique calls only held by one operator and whenever they are active, count for Yasme awards.  For example, 9H3BH is held by Yasme Director OH2BH.

The rules for confirmation of contacts and addresses for the Operating Awards manager and QSL Manager can be found on the Operating Awards page.


DOWNLOAD CALL SIGNS TRACKER (Excel spreadsheet, if necessary, use “Save Link As…” browser function)

DOWNLOAD CALL SIGNS TRACKER (Comma-separated Values, CSV, if necessary use “Save Link As…” browser function)

DISPLAY CALL SIGNS TRACKER (Tab-separated Values, TSV, may be copy-and-pasted into a text file)

The latest version of the directory was updated on 6 October 2022.

Yasme Eligible Call Sign List
